Is really all I can say about the Funk Bottoms race last
Saturday. I’m not sure how to elaborate on it.
It started off in the rain. And not just a drizzle. A rain
storm. It rained all night, so I really worried that some roads would be out,
and we would have to stop and turn around. But all went off without a hitch.
Let’s get this straight right away…I’m not a climber. I can
climb, but not fast or quick. So stepping up to a race that has 7500 feet of
climbing within 63 miles is a daunting task. So quickly do the math…yes, that
is over 1000 feet per 10 miles. Just for a point of reference, Cleveland
Cobbles has a little over 100 feet of climbing in 40 miles.

There was a two-mile neutral start. After that, it was
everyone for themselves. For the first 12 miles I did good keeping a group of
guys in my sights. After that, I was by myself checking my map, and thanks to
the efforts that Chris and Marcus did the night before, all went well. Until I
hit Killbuck. I missed a turn and did an extra climb. After my mistake there
was a climb out of Killbuck that I thought would never stop and the cow could
sense my pain. At least that what I want to believe.

Around mile 30 I met up with JG. And we rode together till
the end. There came a time when we just didn’t care, and walked up most of the
hills after that. I will say this…if the Funk was an gravel enduro…I’d win. On
all the downhills, I just let it fly. The only time I touched the brakes was to
make sure no one was coming around a corner.

With the mud, gravel and sand it was such a fun ride. The
weather kept changing. It would rain down on us (by the way…I love my rain
shell) for miles, and you’d forget about it, then the sun would come out and I
didn’t realize it until miles later. Then I would get used to the sun and dry
air, and then it would turn to a rain storm again. I loved it!
I guess the good news is that I didn’t come in last, and the
Nooma (and beer) at the end was soooooooo goooooooood.
A special thanks goes out to Chris for putting it on and
taking all the time to get it set up.
And just for more fun is the man himself and what he had to say about the race:
Until next year…