Looking back on things and conversation; I guess this was
the 5 yr of Cleveland Cobbles. Maybe I don’t count the first year, and make a
big to-do about next year…any case; the day was a beautiful sunny Sunday in the
late 40’s to low 50’s and we made a record right out of the gate we had a flat.
So after that got fixed, we were on our way. Our normal start; up old Denison,
down, & up Valley and onto the cobbles. We took a detour down some gravel
and up to Harmondy park where we had a nice 20 minute wait. A few flats, and a
broken chain later; we were on our way again and into Old Brooklyn.

Near the zoo we hit a nice little mud section, and some more
mud at Brookside Reservation. Getting into Tremont was pretty uneventful.
Getting out, was not. We drop quite a few riders getting to W. 41
We rode into Ohio City, and the cobbles were feeling good. Some really good
roads over there. Zig-zagged around Ohio City and took a new route into the
Flats passing the old Bounce. Getting to the hill in the Flats on Main, I
noticed my right shifter getting loose, so standing up and thrashing the bike
up the hill, might not be a good idea. Then I noticed if the lever was pushed
down then it would tighten up the brake…not my first rodeo, so I made due for
the time.

Out of the Flats and back into Tremont, I found myself in
the back of the pack as I was getting my food on.
Through Tremont and past a couch after a pedestrian
bridge, up and around W. 12st…and it was a vote for the Rowley Inn. Some went
in for some…ummm…carbs. Then down the hill and more mud, and a few laps around
the track. Then it was time for the last official hill, Holmden Ave. & my
legs felt it on this one.

Down behind Steelyard, as I chatted with Michelle Mead. Our
route was impeded by a train. Our choice was to go up Old Denison or hop over
the train; over the train it was. First time for everything.

Back to the truck for some much deserved Nooma and other
Here's a Strava link to the map this year...
Great ride this year, thanks to all that came out….
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